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Main: 951-281-3400 Fax: 951-281-3401


Our History

Hospice Pro DME is a new branch of Advance Care Pharmacy, designed to complement the many services it currently provides and make it a one-stop-shop for all of our hospice clients. ACP, a family-owned pharmacy, was established 17 years ago with one goal in mind, to provide pharmaceutical care to terminally ill patients throughout Southern California. Over the years, ACP has expanded from acting primarily as a dispensing pharmacy to offer additional services such as infusion, compounding, enteral nutrition, incontinence supplies, and now durable medical equipment (DME). This latest addition will provide a comprehensive package to our clients and give them the freedom to fulfill all of their patient’s needs in one convenient order at the time of admission, rather than having to call multiple vendors. This will save hospice agencies a significant amount of time and allow more dedication focused on patient care. Advance Care Pharmacy is the first and only pharmacy that is capable of providing this unique and complete set of services to their hospice clients.

Executive Team

Thomas Dorbayan – CO – CEO
Maryam Sharafsaleh – CO – CEO
Cyrus Dorbayan – Project Manager
Robert Mason – Director of Operations

Accreditation & Affiliations

  • BOC
  • Affiliate of Advance Care Pharmacy
  • Community Involvement
  • Proud Members of Saddleback Church